The library will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day. We will reopen Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 1:00 p.m.



The library has 2 desktop computers and 3 Chromebooks for use by the public. There is no time limit, but patrons are asked to be aware of anyone waiting. There is no log in.

Please know that you are bound by our internet policy when using our computers or library Wi-Fi.


WiFi is available in the library,  password is at the circulation desk

Charging Station

The charging station is available for patron use. Please be advised that patrons are responsible for their devices.

Copy, Fax, Scan

Copying is available at the circulation desk for a fee of .15/page

Fax is available for a fee of $.50/page. No international faxes

Scanning is available to email. There is no charge unless printed

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