Starting Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025, we will EXTEND our Saturday hours! NEW HOURS: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays!

How Do I?


If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

Learn about where and how to apply, eligibility, renewing, and lost cards by visiting the Library Card page.

Use the search bar at the top of this page and select “Catalog” below the search bar.

Or, visit the catalog directly.

Use the search bar at the top of this page and select “Website” below the search bar

  • items will renew automatically for another 3 weeks if there are no holds
  • Call 978-768-7410
  • Online
  1. To place a hold you must have a valid Library card.
  2. Log in to your Library Account using your library card barcode number and PIN number (last four digits of phone number) from the My Account link or the link at the top of the Catalog that says ‘Login to Your Library Account‘.
  3. Conduct a search in the Library Catalog
  4. To request that the item be saved for you (placed on hold), click on the REQUEST button. The system will immediately notify you if your request was accepted.
  5. The library will notify you by email or by phone when a requested item is ready for pickup. The item is placed on the self-serve pickup shelves under your last name. Items are wrapped for privacy.
  6. Items are held for 7 business days before the hold is automatically cancelled and the item is moved to the next person or returned to the shelves.

You can contact a librarian :

send an email to

Start Your Search